Well I woke up this morning and BAM..I swear the baby doubled in size over night. It's crazy!! I had a feeling that it would happen sometime soon because I have been feeling really exhausted after work and more tired during the day like I was in the 1st trimester. I just knew it was because baby is growing! And at a rapid rate apparantely.
Here's to getting bigger by the day! at 17 1/2 weeks
Also some exciting news.. I have started to feel the baby move! Mainly after I eat and then when I lay down to fall asleep. I guess he/she just gets camera shy because it sure isn't moving when we get the ultrasounds done! I have had a lot of advice as to how to get the baby moving so you can see the sex. Drink cold water, drink coffee, drink OJ, or eat sugar. I think I might just try it all on the 18th because I have to find out soon so I can start buying things!! I'm going crazy... only 10 more days :)
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